Constitution of the General Council of The Bar of South Africa
Click here to view and download the Constitution – as amended by the Annual General Meeting held on 15 July 2017
The Objectives of the GCB
- To consider, promote and deal with all matters concerning the teaching and practice of law and the administration of justice, in the interest of the public;
- To deal with all matters affecting the profession and to take action thereon;
- To uphold the interests of advocates in South Africa
Mission Statement
1. The Bar identifies itself fully with the ideals, aspirations and challenges presented by a new democratic South Africa.
2. As a body of independent practitioners, the Bar is committed to providing specialised legal representation, at fair fees, to all persons who require such service.
3. By providing this representation, as well as facilities for the protection of human rights, access to justice for indigent persons and alternative dispute resolution, the bar serves all the people of South Africa.
4. We shall continue to strive towards the attainment of justice for all according to the rule of law and support reforms designed to achieve this goal.
5. The Bar is committed to:
- the maintenance of an independent judiciary;
- ensuring that the Bar is representative of all sections of the South African population;
- providing greater access to justice by the expansion of legal services to all who require them, while maintaining the high standards, professional integrity and independence which are established hallmarks of the Bar.