Table of Contents: Vol 16 • No 1 • April 2003

Hennie Mellet
Editorial committee
WHG van der Linde SC (chair)
E Fagan
A Gabriel
JJ Gauntlett SC
IJ Smuts SC
FA Snyckers
Bar representatives
Bisho: TV Norman
Cape: P Weyer
Free State: GJM Wright
Grahamstown: I Smuts SC
Johannesburg: J Wasserman SC, C Watt-Pringle SC
KwaZulu-Natal: W Bowler
Northern Cape: J Schreuder
North West: J Stander
Port Elizabeth: P Kroon
Pretoria: HS Havenga
Umtata: MH Shisuba
Editorial information
Correspondence and enquiries relating to contents, contributions and advertising:
The Editor, Advocate,
PO Box 2260
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Tel: (011) 336 3976/2486 or
the editor directly at
082 961 7696 (mornings)
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94 Pritchard Street,
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Published by Juta Law
Setting by Mckore Graphics
Printed by Paarl Print
ISSN 1683-2566
©General Council of the Bar of SA
Stop press
- Page 2: Exco meeting on 8 March: Consensus on Legal Practice Bill by Fayeeza Kathree
- Page 4: Media statements: Criticism of joint Chief Justices’ statement
- Page 4: Joint media statement by the GCB and the LSSA
Chair’s contribution
Letters to the editor
- Page 5: Die Balie en die algemene publiek deur JPJ Coetzer SC, Pretoria
- Page 5: Do judges become silks, or do silks become judges? by Sytze Alkema SC, Durban Bar
- Page 6: New members’ fees by Anthony Stein, Johannesburg Bar
- Page 6: “Kaapse Kroegraad” by Willie Duminy SC, Cap Bar
- Page 6: “E” Advocates Inc by by C Watt-Pringle SC, Johannesburg Bar
- Page 6: Aboard the Johannesburg Bar Council – why I remained by Khotso Ramolefe
GCB News
- Page 7: National Bar Examination Board: functions and structure
- Page 7: Extracts from the report of the convener
- Page 10: The institution of silk in 2003
- Page 13: Advocacy training – Drakensberg weekend workshop by Lee–Anne Lane, Durban Bar
- Page 13: Advocacy training – Expert witnesses training workshop by Johan van den Berg, Pretoria
Bar news
- Page 14: Natal contributed by Wendalynn Bowler, Durban
- Page 14: Noord–Kaap bygedra deur Japie Schreuder, Kimberley
- Page 14: Noord–Wes bygedra deur John Stander, Mafikeng
- Page 14: Vrystaat bygedra deur Germa Wright, Bloemfontein
- Page 15: Cape contributed by Patsi Weyer
- Page 15: Port Elizabeth contributed by Peter Kroon, Port Elizabeth Bar
- Page 16: Grahamstown contributed by Izak Smuts SC
- Page 16: Pretoria bygedra deur Henk Havenga
- Page 18: Johannesburg contributed by C Watt-Pringle SC, Johannesburg Bar
- Page 22: Johannesburg Bar: centenary publication • Declaration of 30 October 2002
Names in the news
New technology
- Page 29: Internet and the law – Part 2 by Suman Barua, Johannesburg Bar
- Page 30: The Electronic Communications and Transactions Act by John Peter, Johannesburg Bar
- Page 33: Laer sagtewarekoste? deur Chris du Plessis, prokureur, Pretoria
- Page 36: Advocates’ websites by Robin Pearse, Johannesburg Bar
- Page 37: Transformation of the Bar: briefing patterns by CDA Loxton SC, Johannesburg Bar
- Page 39: Law in literature: a monstrous maze? by Fiona Snyckers, Johannesburg Bar
- Page 42: Friedman report
- Page 48: Smalberger report
Fly on the wall
- Page 47: Fly on the wall