Table of Contents: Vol 21 • No 1 • April 2008

Hennie Mellet
Tel 082 961 7696
Editorial committee
Jannie Eksteen SC (chair)
Frank Snyckers (deputy chair)
Azhar Bham SC,
Alfred Cockrell
Susannah Cowen
Sandhya Mahabeer
Mahlape Sello
Izak Smuts SC
Bar representatives
Bhisho: Vacant
Cape: Anton Kruger
Free State: Zachia Eloff, Henriette Murray.
Grahamstown: Izak Smuts SC
Johannesburg: David Leibowitz
KwaZulu-Natal: Wendalynn Bowler, Paul Wallis, Zuleka Rasool
Namibia: Andrew Corbett
Northern Cape: Japie Schreuder
North West: John Stander
Port Elizabeth: Peter Kroon
Pretoria: Henk Havenga
Umtata: Mathobela Shisuba
Editorial information
Correspondence and enquiries relating to contents, contributions and advertising:
The Editor, Advocate,
PO Box 2260
Johannesburg 2000
Tel: (011) 336 3976/2486 or
the editor directly at
082 961 7696 (mornings)
Fax: (011) 336 8970
E-mail: or
Street address: 5th Floor, Schreiner Chambers,
94 Pritchard Street,
Johannesburg 2000
Annual subscription R150 (VAT incl)
Advocate, PO Box 2260,
Johannesburg 2000
Tel: +27 (011) 336 3976/337 4498
Fax: +27 (011)336 8970
Published by the General Council of the Bar of South Africa
Design and layout by K2
(021) 461 0002
Printed by Hansa Print
ISSN 1683-2566
©General Council of the Bar of SA
Chair’s contribution
GCB news
Bar news
- Page 8: Free State. Contributed by Henriette Murray and Zachia Eloff
- Page 10: Port Elizabeth. Contributed by Peter Kroon
- Page 10: Grahamstown. Contributed by Izak Smuts SC
- Page 11: Pretoria. Contributed by Henk Havenga SC
- Page 15: Pretoria. Izak Geldenhuys – ons eie skilder
- Page 16: Pretoria. Afskeid van regter Fanie Mynhardt en hulde aan Rit van Rooyen SC deur Riani van der Merwe, Pretoria balie
- Page 18: Johannesburg. Report on the 2007 analytic legal writing course by Toni Gottlieb, Johannesburg Bar
- Page 22: Johannesburg. ‘Juniors squander their opportunities’. Contributed by Andre Gautschi SC
- Page 22: KwaZulu-Natal. Contributed by Zuleka Rasool
- Page 23: Cape. Hello Kitties in Keerom Street. (Hello Kitty with the permission of Sapa-AP)
- Page 28: Falling on the sword by Andrew Brown, Cape Bar
- Page 29: Thorn in our side by Anton Kruger, Cape Bar
- Page 32: Statement on the independence of the judiciary by former Chief Justice Arthur Chaskalson and Advocate George Bizos SC
- Page 32: Attack on the judiciary
- Page 33: Advocates and outcomes: responding to the Hlophe saga. Frank Snyckers, Johannesburg Bar
The Bar
- Page 36: Shared norms of conduct. Edwin Cameron, Supreme Court of Appeal. (Speech by Supreme Court of Appeal Justice Edwin Cameron at the opening of the Advocates for transformation Workshop in Johannesburg on 19 January 2008)
- Page 38: War and the rule of law. Lord Steyn
- Page 42: A state of democracy. Brian Spilg SC, convenor of the GCB’s Human Rights Committee
- Page 45: Sentencing: the value of pre-sentence reports. Leon Vermaak, forensic criminologist in private practice, former magistrate and senior public prosecutor, Port Elizabeth
- Page 48: Control on direct examination in American trial practice: Part 3: Keeping the focus on the witness and maximising the impact of testimony. Willem H Gravett, New York State Bar
Legal Crossword
- Page 51: Legal Crossword Number 4
- Page 16: Legal Crossword Number 4: Answers
- Page 52: Fly on the wall