Table of Contents: Vol 27 • No 1 • April 2014

Hennie Mellet
082 961 7696
Editorial committee
Patric Mtshaulana SC (chair)
Frank Snyckers (deputy chair)
Azhar Bham SC
Richard Brooks
Alfred Cockrell
Marilena Ioannou
Sandhya Mahabeer
Jean Meiring
Lwandile Sisilana
IAM Semenya SC (ex officio – GCB chair)
Bar representatives
Bhisho: Vacant
Cape: Luke Kelly
Free State: Henriette Murray.
Grahamstown: Richard Brooks
Johannesburg: Kameshni Pillay
KwaZulu-Natal: Laurence Broster SC, Sarah Linscot, Kerusha Pillay
Namibia: D Obbes SC
Northern Cape: Lizanne van Niekerk
North West: John Stander
Port Elizabeth: Steve Rorke SC, Anusha Rawjee
Pretoria: Thys Snyman
Mthatha: Vusi Msiwa
Editorial information
Advocate is the journal of the General Council of the Bar (GCB). Except in the case of official press releases or statements, published as such, the views expressed by individual contributors of articles and items in Advocate do not purport to be the views of the editorial committee of Advocate, or the official views of the GCB, but remain the views of the individual contributors.
Correspondence and enquiries relating to contents, contributions and advertising:
The Editor, Advocate,
PO Box 786879, Sandton 2146
Tel: (011) 784 0175/0179/ or
the editor directly at
082 961 7696/ (mornings)
Fax: (011) 784 0182
Street address: Sandown Village,
2nd Floor, West Court,
86 Maude Street,
Annual subscription R295 (VAT incl)
Advocate, PO Box 786879,
Sandton 2146
Tel: +27 (011) 784 0175/0179
Fax: +27 (011) 784 0182
Published by the General Council of the Bar of South Africa
Design by HOND BK
(021) 461 0002/
Printed bv Hansa Print
ISSN 1683-2566
©General Council of the Bar of SA
Chair’s contribution
Letters to the Editor
- Page 6: The right to reply
Talking Heads
GCB news
- Page 8: The National Bar Examination.
- Page 11: Press Statement
Bar news
- Page 12: Free State: Arrivals, Departures, Acting appointments and Memorial by Henriette Murray. The Speech that should have been by Aubrey Lechano
- Page 15: Johannesburg: A decade at Midmar by Andre Gautschi and Eastern Cape: Grahamstown by Niel Schoeman
- Page 16: Johannesburg Bar: Student Vacation Program by Mbuso Tsungu
- Page 17: Cape: ENS vs Bar Trophy by Joel Krige
- Page 18: Kwazulu-Natal: Pietermaritzburg, Judicial Appointment, New Members and Cricket Day by Kerusha Pillay.
- Page 19: Pretoria: Appointments
- Page 47: In Memoriam: Judge Jan Hendrik Steyn by Jeremy Gauntlett, Cape and Johannesburg Bars
- Page 47: In Memoriam: SA’S Last QC – a tribute to Douglas Shaw – Malcolm Wallis Judge of the Supreme Court of Appeal.
- Page 32: Ah Dalibunga by Lwandile Sisilana – Johannesburg Bar.
- Page 38: The Constitution since 1994 by Geoff Budlender SC Cape Town Bar.
- Page 42: Influence of the Constitutions on the law of delict by FDJ Brand, Judge of the supreme court of appeal.
- Page 46: Democracy and the legal profession after twenty years: betwixt the old and the new by Nirmal SinghSC Durban Bar.
From the Publishers
- Page 49: Sexual Offences Commentary. Edited by Dee Smythe and Bronwyn Pithey, with Lillian Artz. Juta Law (2010) xix & 600 pp; loose leaf. A Guide to Bail Applications MT Mokoena. Juta Law (2012) Legal-Ease Essence xxvi & 206 pp; soft cover.
- Page 50: Bail – A Practitioner’s Guide Third Edition by John van der Berg Juta Law (2012) xxxix & 379 pp; soft cover. Res Ipsa Loquitur and Medical Negligence: A Comparative Survey. Patrick van den Heever and Pieter Carstens. Juta Law (2011) xxx & 194 pp; soft cover.
- Page 51: Labour law into the future: Essays in honour of D’Arcy du Toit Edited by Kitty Malherbe and Julia Sloth-Nielson. Juta Law (2012) xxxi & 268 pp; soft cover.
Legal Crossword
- Page 51: Legal Crossword Number 22
- Page 46: Legal Crossword Number 22: Answers