Table of Contents: Vol 15 • No 2 • August 2002

Hennie Mellet
Editorial committee
WHG van der Linde SC (chair)
E Fagan
JJ Gauntlett SC
PD Hemraj SC
IJ Smuts SC
FA Snyckers
Bar representatives
Bisho: TV Norman
Cape: P Weyer
Free State: GJM Wright
Grahamstown: I Smuts SC
Johannesburg: J Wasserman SC, C Pringle-Watt
KwaZulu-Natal: W Bowler
Northern Cape: J Schreuder
North West: J Stander
Port Elizabeth: P Kroon
Pretoria: HS Havenga
Umtata: MH Sishuba
Editorial information
Correspondence and enquiries relating to contents, contributions and advertising:
The Editor, Advocate,
PO Box 2260
Johannesburg 2000
Tel: (011) 336 3976/2486 or
the editor directly at
082 961 7696 (mornings)
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94 Pritchard Street,
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Published by Juta Law
Printed by Formeset
ISSN 1683-2566
©General Council of the Bar of SA
Stop press
- Page 2: New national executive
- Page 2: New chair” Willem van der Linden SC, Johannesburg Bar
- Page 2: Constitutional challenge to GCB dismissed
Chairman’s contribution
GCB News
- Page 4: From the chairman’s report, 2001–2002
- Page 6: GCB goes to the Hague and Dublin
- Page 7: World Conference for Barristers and Advocates by Malcolm Wallis SC, Durban Bar
- Page 18: Zimbabwe: Arrest and detention of chairman and secretary of Zimbabwe Law Society
- Page 18: IBA – Zimbabwe – Malawi: Debate on constitutional reforms in Malawi – Global competition
law website
Bar news
- Page 9: Vrystaat bygedra deur Germa Wright, Bloemfontein
- Page 9: Pretoria bygedra deur Henk Havenga, Pretoria Bar
- Page 11: The Pretoria Bar: 125 years by Pat Ellis, Pretoria Bar
- Page 12: Port Elizabeth contributed by Peter Kroon, Port Elizabeth Bar
- Page 12: Noord-Kaap bygedra deur Japie Schreuder, Kimberley
- Page 14: KwaZulu-Natal contributed by W Bowler, Durban Bar
- Page 14: Grahamstown contributed by Izak Smuts SC
- Page 14: North West contributed by John Stander, Mafikeng
- Page 14: Cape contributed by Patsi Weyer
- Page 16: Johannesburg Bar contributed by Altus Joubert SC and Hilton Epstein SC
- Page 20: Nuwe regters
Johannesburg 100
- Page 24: Johannesburg Bar 100 years old contributed by Panayiotis Stais, Johannesburg Bar
- Page 25: Johannesburg Bar: centenary celebrations
- Page 28: The Johannesburg Bar at His Majesty’s Building and Innes Chambers: The middle years by
RL Selvan SC, Johannesburg Bar
Letter to the editor
- Page 36: Does advocacy training work? by Sharis Weiner SC assisted by Melanie Feinstein and
Matthew Welz, Johannesburg Bar - Page 41: Opening the door to the wirlwind: The Legal Practice Bill and vocational training by Chris
Marnewick SC - Page 44: Whither the system of pupillage? by Seth Nthai, Pretoria Bar
- Page 45: Justice College – training judicial officers by KD Kruger, Lecturer, Justice College