Table of Contents: Vol 24 • No 2 • August 2011


Hennie Mellet
Tel 082 961 7696

Editorial committee

Patric Mtshaulana SC (chair)
Frank Snyckers (deputy chair)
Azhar Bham SC
Richard Brooks
Alfred Cockrell
Susannah Cowen
Sandhya Mahabeer
Mahlape Sello
Lwandile Sisilana
Rashid Vahed SC (ex officio – GCB chair)

Bar representatives

Bhisho: Vacant
Cape: Frans Rautenbach
Free State: Henriette Murray.
Grahamstown: Richard Brooks
Johannesburg: Anthea Platt, Ayesha Tiry, Dirk R van Zyl
KwaZulu-Natal: Laurence Broster SC, Andreas Coutsoudis, Kerusha Pillay
Namibia: D Obbes SC
Northern Cape: Lizanne van Niekerk
North West: John Stander
Port Elizabeth: Steve Rorke SC
Pretoria: Henk Havenga SC
Umtata: Vusi Msiwa

Editorial information

Correspondence and enquiries relating to contents, contributions and advertising:
The Editor, Advocate,
PO Box 786879, Sandton 2146
Tel: (011) 784 0175/0179 or
the editor directly at
082 961 7696 (mornings)
Fax: (011) 784 0182
Street address: Sandown Village,
2nd Floor, West Court,
86 Maude Street,


Annual subscription R240 (VAT incl)
Advocate, PO Box 786879,
Sandton 2146
Tel: +27 (011) 784 0175/0179
Fax: +27 (011) 784 0182
Published by the General Council of the Bar of South Africa
Design and layout by K2
(021) 461 0002/
Printed bv Hansa Print
ISSN 1683-2566
©General Council of the Bar of SA

Chair’s contribution

GCB news

GCB chair’s annual report 2010/2011

Press releases by the GCB

Bar news


Middle Temple and SA Conference, September 2010, Theme: Costs

Slices of Bar life

Introducing a new regular feature: The Bar is a demanding place, but many of our colleagues manage to do a great many things beyond the law. Here, Advocate commences a regular column devoted to the people of the Bar and their interesting lives.

Legal Crossword
