Table of Contents: Vol 16 • No 3 • December 2003

HF Mellet
Editorial committee
WHG van der Linde SC (chair)
L Fichardt
A Gabriel
IJ Smuts SC
FA Snyckers
Bar representatives
Bhisho: TV Norman
Cape: T Potgieter
Free State: GJM Wright
Grahamstown: I Smuts SC
Johannesburg: J Wasserman SC C Watt-Pringle SC
KwaZulu-Natal: W Bowler
Northern Cape: J Schreuder
North West: J Stander
Port Elizabeth: P Kroon
Pretoria: HS Havenga
Umtata: MH Sishuba
Editorial information
Correspondence and enquiries relating to contents, contributions and advertising:
The Editor, Advocate
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Tel: (011) 336 3976/2486
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Published by Juta Law
Setting by Mckore Graphics
Printed by Paarl Print
ISSN 1683-2566
©General Council of the Bar of SA
Stop press
- Page 2: Reinstatement of Bram Fischer QC
Chair’s contribution
GCB news and reports
- Page 4: From the chair’s report, 2002-2003. Willem van der Linde SG
- Page 8: Pupil Entry School 2003: The background by Ig Bredenkamp, Pretoria Bar
- Page 9: The Pilot Pupil Programme by Sharise Weiner SC, Johannesburg Bar
- Page 10: A pupil’s impressions by Nadine Fourie
- Page 10: Lessons from the July Pupil Entry Course by Chris Marnewick SC, Institute of Professional
Legal Training, Auckland, New Zealand - Page 13: Pupillage 2004 by AJ Dickson SC, Durban Bar
- Page 15: Human Rights Committee. Brian Spilg SC, Johannesburg Bar. Convenor of the committee.
- Page 15: The Judicial Service Commission by Milton Seligson SC, Cape Town. GCB representative on
the JSC. - Page 17: World Women Lawyers Conference by Fayeeza Kathree. GCB representative at the
conference - Page 17: Ode to the almost departed by F Snyckers
- Page 18: GCB annual awards. Sydney and Felicia Kentridge Award
- Page 18: GCB annual awards. Pius Langa Scholarship
- Page 18: Breyten Breytenbach on Johann Kriegler
- Page 19: Zimbabwe: Trial of Judge Benjamin Paradza by Brian Spilg SC, convenor GCB Human Rights
- Page 20: Noord–Kaap bygedra deur Japie Schreuder, Noord–Kaap Balie
- Page 20: Vrystaat bygedra deur Germa Wright, Bloemfontein Balie
- Page 20: Cape lawyers’ pro bono duties set out
- Page 22: Johannesburg contributed by Matthew Welz, Johannesburg Bar
- Page 22: Fountain Chambers. Extracts from a speech by Patric Mtshaulana, Johannesburg Bar
- Page 25: Kaap bygedra deur Theoniel Potgieter
- Page 25: KwaZulu–Natal contributed by Wendalynn Bowler, KwaZulu–Natal Bar
- Page 25: Port Elizabeth contributed by Peter Kroon, Port Elizabeth Bar
- Page 28: Pretoria bygedra deur Henk Havenga, Pretoria Balie
- Page 29: Pretoria – Centenary of the Leendert te Groen Building by Pat Ellis SC, Pretoria Balie
- Page 29: Cape High Court – From June 2003, Judge lee Bozalek and from 1 August 2003 Judge
Willie Legoabe Seriti
- Page 31: Judging the judges: judicial conduct and the right to a fair trial by Pranil Singh, Bisho Bar
- Page 35: The highest court: selecting the judges by Sydney Kentridge QC, London
- Page 42: Aspects of practice: claims against organs of State by Leon Dicker, Pretoria Bar
- Page 43: Making a difference – death by stoning by Brian Spilg SC, convenor GCB Human Rights
Committee - Page 46: Practising law in a Wall Street law firm: a personal experience by William Mokhari,
Johannesburg Bar - Page 47: Stuff and nonsense in the great robing debate (and other matters of national importance)
by Michael Janisch, Cape Bar - Page 48: Spousal privilege. Contributed by a Bar spouse
- Page 49: Fly on the wall