Table of Contents: Vol 13 • No 3 • Third Term 2000

HF Mellet
Redaksionele assistent
Joan Lötter
HJ Fabncius SC
JJ Gauntlett SC
CB Mann
P Pauw
Bar representatives
Bisho: TV Norman
Cape: P Weyer
Durban: S Walker
Free State: GJM Wright
Grahamstown: I Smuts SC
Johannesburg: RS Selvan SC,
WHG van der Linde SC
Northern cape: J Schreuder
North West: J Stander
Pietermaritzburg: YN Moodley SC
Port Elizabeth: PWA Scott
Pretoria: HS Havenga
Umtata: MH Sishuba
Editorial information
Correspondence and enquiries relating to contents, contributions and advertising:
The Editor, Advocate,
PO Box 2260
Johannesburg 2000
Tel: (011) 336 3976/2486 or
the editor directly at 082 961 7696 (mornings);
fax: (011) 336 8970;
e-mail: or
Street address:
5th Floor, Schreiner Chambers,
94 Pritchard Street,
Johannesburg 2000
Address changes, new subscriptions and enquiries:
tel: (011) 336 3976/2486
Annual subscription R79.80 (VAT incl)
© General Council of the Bar of SA
Printed by: KR Litho,
P0 Box 3170,
Pretoria 0002
ISBN 0 409 07942 1
Redaksioneel • Editorial
Letters to the Editor
- Page 2: Starting at the Bar by Johan Moorcroft, Johannesburg Bar
- Page 2: Pleading a denial by WRE Duminy SC, Cape Bar
GCB News
Bar news • Balienuus
- Page 8: Cape contributed by Patsi Weyer, Cape Town
- Page 8: Vrystaat bygedra deur Germa Wright, Bloemfontein
- Page 9: North–West contributed by John Stander
- Page 9: Noord–Kaap bygedra deur Japie Schreuder, Kimberley
- Page 9: Grshamstown contributed by Izak Smuts SC
- Page 9: Pretoria bygedra deur Henk Havenga
- Page 10: Johannesburg contributed by Gail Sidwell, Johanesburg Bar
- Page 3: The Bar’s contribution to the search for justice. Speech by former President Mr Nelson
Mandela - Page 11: Award to the late Chief Justice Ismail Mahomed by Sir Sydney Kentridge QC
- Page 12: Pride and pessimism: Speech by Jeremy Gauntlett SC, Chairman of the GCB
- Page 32: Bar examinations: racial and unfair? “Not a leg to stand on” by Christine Qunta
- Page 33: The GCB: facts or fancy? Reply to Christine Qunta. Jeremy Gauntlett SC, chairman of the
General Council of the Bar of South Africa - Page 33: Reply to Jeremy Gauntlett SC by Christine Qunta
- Page 16: Chairman’s report by Jeremy Gauntlett SC. GCB Chair.
- Page 22: Human rights by Anwar Albertus SC. Chairperson of the Human Rights Committee of the
GCB - Page 23: Wette– en Administrasiekomitee. Verslag deur die sameroeper Abraham Louw, Pretoria
- Page 24: National Bursary Fund Committee. Report by the convener Sharise Weiner SC,
Johannesburg Bar - Page 24: Parliamentary Committee. Report by the chairperson LA Rose-Innes SC, Cape Bar
- Page 30: Legal aid by Denis Kuny SC and Halima Saldulker, representatives of the GCB on the Legal
Aid Board