Table of Contents: Vol 2 • No 1 • April 1989


J P J Coetzer SC (Editor)
P Blieden
F J Bosman
M C Botha
C B Mann
P Pauw
T D Potgieter
B R Southwood SC
R H Zulman SC


Momentumsentrum 1605
Oos-toring Pretoriusstraat 343
Tel: (012) 322 1511
Facsimile: 322-1535

CONSULTUS is published by the General Council of the Bar of South Africa. It circulates to all practising advocates and is also available on general subscription. on general subscription. Annual subscription R15,00; single copies R7,50.

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Outeursreg: Algemene Balieraad van Suid-Afrika.

Heer Drukkers (Edms) Bpk
Posbus 2655, Pretoria 0001

ISSN 1012-8743

Editorial • Redaksioneel


Bar news • Balienuus