Contents: Vol 4 • No 1 • April 1991

JPJ Coetzer SC (Editor)
MC Botha
FDJ Brand SC
PB Geldenhuys
CB Mann
P Pauw
M Seligson SC
RL Selvan SC
BR Southwood SC
Editorial Assistant
M Kirsten
Momentumsentrum 1605
Pretoriusstraat 343
Tel (012) 322-1511
Facsimile 322-5648
Consultus is the official journal of the General Council of the Bar of South Africa. It circulates to all practising advocates and is also available on general subscription. Annual subscription R15,00; single copies R7,50.
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Outeursreg: Algemene Balieraad van Suid-Afrika.
Uitgegee deur Butterworths namens die Algemene Balieraad van Suid-Afrika/ Published by Butterworths on behalf of the General Bar Council of South Africa.
Gedruk deur Interpak Natal
Geset deur Positone Pinetown
ISBN 0 409 07939 1 (Vol 4)
©SA Bar Council 1989
Redaksioneel • Editorial
- Page 2: Legitimering van regstelsel/Legitimising the legal system • Die openbare
verdedigerstelsel/The public defender system - Page 8: The Legal Professions – Pointers towards Structural Reforms by Dr JR Midgley
- Page 17: Nuwe Reger-president vir Transvaal: Regter CF Eloff
- Page 19: United States Supreme Court Appointments: Implications for a future constitution in South
Africa by Gawie Nienaber - Page 27: Response by Milton Seligson SC, Chairman of the General Council of the Bar of
South Africa - Page 29: Response by Prof Marinus Wiechers>
- Page 31: Three new Judges of Appeal
- Page 32: Contempt and the Bench by Prof SK Parmanand
- Page 35: Provokasie as ‘n Volkome Verweer in die Strafreg deur Prof CR Snyman
- Page 39: Mediaverklaring uitgereik deur die Regshulpraad op 22 Januarie 1991 – Die Openbare
Verdedigerstelsel - Page 40: Taxability of Awards of Damages for Loss of Earnings deur AS van der Spuy SC,
Johannesburg Bar
Bar News/ Balienuus
- Page 44: Johannesburg
- Page 44: Kaapstad
- Page 44: Pretoria
- Page 46: Oranje-Vrystaat
- Page 46: Natal
- Page 46: Eastern Cape
- Page 47: Kimberley
- Page 47: Bophuthatswana
- Page 47: Ciskei
- Page 48: Namibia
- Page 49: Die Regsfakulteit, Universiteit van Pretoria: Meer as Tagtig Jaar Regsonderrig deur Prof
Kobus van Rooyen SC - Page 54: The Industrial Court by DJ de Villiers SC, The President of the Court
- Page 56: International Bar Association: News and developments by Milton Seligson SC, Chairman:
GCB - Page 58: Confession to peace officer in the person of a police officer by Pranil Singh, Durban Bar
- Page 60: In Memoriam: Tribute to Brian Law J and Tribute to Bristowe J by Natal Bench
- Page 63: Projecting the Right Image by Grenville Janner QC MP
- Page 65: Obiter… by Viator
- Unfair attack on advocates’ profession: The true picture, supplement to Consultus, April