Table of Contents: Vol 12 • No 4 • December 1999


HF Mellet (Redakteur)
MC Botha SC
JJ Gauntlett SC
CB Mann
YN Moodley SC
P Pauw
I Potgieter
WRC Prinsloo SC
SP Rosenberg
PWA Scott
RL Selvan SC
WHG van der Linde SC

Editorial Assistant

Linda Pelser

Editorial information

Correspondence and enquiries relating to contents and contributions:
The Editor, Consultus,
PO Box 12361, Tramshed 0126.
Tel: (012) 322-1511 x 2521 (mornings);
fax: (012) 320-7911
e-mail: or
Street address: 521 Advocates’ Chambers,
Momentum Centre East Tower,
343 Pretorius Street
Pretoria 0002


Linda Pelser
(012) 322-1511 x 2521 (mornings);
fax: (012) 320-7911


Address changes, new subscriptions and enquiries:
tel (011) 336 3976/ Annual subscription R79,80 (VAT incl).

© General Council of the Bar of SA
Printed by: KR Litho,
PO Box 3170, Pretoria, 0002
ISBN 0409 07942 1

Editorial • Redaksioneel

Chair’s contribution

Letters to the editor

GCB News

Bar news

Why the Bar?