Table of Contents: Vol 10 • No 2 • November 1997


HF Mellet (Redakteur)
MC Botha SC
JY Claassen
WRE Duminy SC
GF Hartford
PB Hodes SC
CB Mann
P Pauw
WRC Prinsloo SC
RL Selvan SC
MD Southwood
WHG van der Linde SC

Editorial Assistant

Linda Pelser BA (Tale)

Editorial office

521 Advocates’ Chambers
Momentum Centre
East Tower
343 Pretorius Street
Tel: (012) 322-1511
Fax: (012) 320-7911

Consultus is the official journal of the General Council of the Bar of South Africa. It circulates to all practising advocates and is also available on general subscription. Annual subscription R79,80 (incl VAT and handling).
Menings en kommentaar in artikels is, tensy anders gestel, die verantwoordelikheid van die skrywer. Redaksionele menings en kommentaar is die verantwoordelikheid van die redakteur en publikasie daarvan dui nie noodwendig daarop dat dit die siening van die Algemene Balieraad weerspieël nie.

© General Council of the Bar of SA
Printed by: KR Litho,
PO Box 3170, Pretoria, 0002
ISBN 0409 07942 1

Editorial • Redaksioneel

The Chairman’s contribution

Balienuus • Bar news

New silks

The Judiciary – New judges




Obiter…by Spectator

Education and training

Technological update


Reviews • Resensies